How to avoid procrastination?

Why Education is important for us?

Education is an important part of every individual's life. It plays an important role in the development of every individual's personality or knowledge. It is a process of learning and acquiring new skills. It is essential for the development of the Nation. The standards of living of individuals of the nation indicate the level of education in the country. Education also develops respect towards their Elders and senior persons in every student.

In India education become a very important part of making a bright future and getting a good job. It helps to make the individuals a successful person. It can be also expressed as "Education is the moment from darkness to light ". It is a learning experience where an individual learns about various aspects of life ".

Education is started from a little aspect and it is endless. It helps the person to aquiring new skills, to improve communication, learn to interact with individuals. It makes a person independent. It helps the person to understand their needs and make him able to fulfill their needs. To make a good individual in society and make an identity in society, education is a better option. Education is key for every successful person. It boosts the mind of individuals. Education also motivates the person for their carrier.

Every individual runs for a better job and for a better carrier that can be completed by education, we can say education is a good weapon for a successful person. Educations improve the quality of a person by learning different languages aquiring new skills and by working in different areas. It makes a different identity of the individual. It makes the fame of the person in the society sometimes to the national level. 

In the whole world, science becomes very important and developed day by day, it all becomes possible with the help of education. 

With the help of the education system, the beliefs of the individuals also decrease such as so many parathas are there in the different societies and follow them blindly, with the help of education they meet with reality and leave the irreverent beliefs and parathas. Education also plays a vital role to improve the status of the women in society and now, in fact, they can live independently or taking their rights. It also develops the quality of leadership

Now in every country education systems becomes very broad. There are different techniques are developed for education which makes the education process easier or interesting. Now the education system becomes more practice. we know that practically we can acquire things more easily.

Education totally changes the mind of a person, we can say it 'refreshing the mind of a person by adding new skills or qualities. With the help of a person, we can change the whole attitude of the person and making the life of a person different from others. It helps in maintaining the lifestyle and belief of the person.

Education is important for different researches, for discoveries and making instruments for the developing world. Now in whole world technologies are very advanced which is possible due to the right education. It does not matter that to gain education a person is younger or older, it is for all age peoples. However, it is better to gain it from childhood. Education has no limit to knowledge. 

Now education is important as food or shelter for the individuals for better carrier options and makes their future bright and for a better job. To use electronic gadgets such as phones, laptops, etc. education plays the main role. 

Nowadays the education system become a business in many schools and colleges are opened at a competitive level and students have to pay higher to take education from those schools or colleges. which sometimes hurt to poor peoples. Nowadays schools are also giving extra skills such as games etc to the students we can see in the whole world that how education changes the life of a person, but there are many villages and peoples who are poor and they don't gain education due to higher fees of institutes. but some are not interested to gain an education.

CONCLUSION- As other needs education also needs of individuals without education there is no life of persons and so survival. Education is important for realizing the need for taking the effort to complete it.
