How to avoid procrastination?

How to tackle examination pressure

How to prepare for exams? How to reduce all the stress coming with it? How do I complete such vast chunks of the syllabus in a month? How do I crack that examination to get into my dream college? How do I manage my plan for entrance exams alongside my school syllabus? 


Don't worry!!

I'm here to help you out!

Tip No.1


PANIC is a student's greatest enemy. Don't allow that to overpower your mind. It is normal to feel burdened or pressurized, but not to the extent that it affects your productivity. You know your work well; all you need is effective planning.


Tip No 2.


You know how much you have prepared better than anyone else. If you have a month, divide your syllabus into four large chunks-work on one chunk every week and revise whatever you have made throughout the week on Sunday. Retention is most important in an examination. Now, if you are a morning person, don't push yourself beyond 11 p.m.Again, if you are a night owl, don't try to wake up early. Deal with the more difficult portions of your syllabus when your mind works best. For instance, a morning person would work best early in the morning & a night owl would work best at night. Try to give it 3-4 hours uninterrupted & you shall have a great deal covered each day. Try to stay away from technology as much as you can. Once you're done for the day, do what you like for at least half an hour. It reduces the pressure.


Tip No 3.

Time Management 

To get your syllabus covered within a given amount of time, make a written table to manage your time & YOU MUST STICK TO IT. You must complete the allotted chunk of the syllabus for the day at any cost. It may exhaust at times, but remember, what you sow you reap.


Tip No. 4


Have faith in yourself


Guys, this is the most important. No matter how hard you try, you shall not emerge victorious if you don't have faith in yourself. CONFIDENCE COUNTS.


Tip No.5


Year-long preparation


Preparation for exams begins the day classes start. Be attentive in class. Take running notes & file those. They reduce the effort that goes into preparing notes. Besides, running notes come in very handy while making. They are an easy reference. Maintain a proper notebook & if you skim through it, it's more than half your work done.


Tip No.6


Be steady with your work.


You need not stay up late nights every day, but just be steady with your work. If required, maintain a list with all your work written in bullet points & once you've completed a particular task, tick it off. This helps!


Tip No.7


Make a wise choice of subjects.


Now, this tip is not relevant to students below class 11, but for those of you who are struggling to choose your career, don't get carried away by what others have to say. Follow your heart. Now in a country like India, where art, dance, music, photography, sports, etc. are not included in the academic curriculum, start taking extra classes. Try to participate in competitions & earn enough certificates & appreciation that will help you get into foreign universities. For those who are interested in these fields, performances are like examinations. Take video clippings of your talent, post them on social media handles, try for reality shows. You never know, you may grab excellent opportunities. Don't get disheartened if you don't make it on your first attempt. Keep persevering. 


Tip No.8


Go through previous question papers.


Try to get hold of previous question papers. Try practicing at least one article a week. They acquaint you with the pattern of questions, which eases the process of answering exams. Usually,80% of the items are a repeat of earlier asked questions. 


Tip No.9


Plan how to manage your time in the examinations.


This is a follow of the previous point. The more you practice past question papers, you get an idea of how long it takes you to complete the essay & then you will automatically try to make it faster. Soon, you will gauge how to go about the paper and make a suitable time frame for yourself.


The last & final tip


How to revise the day before the exam


The day before the examination is what counts the most. All the work you had done over a year has to be covered in less than 24 hours. It may get daunting, but don't allow that to happen. When you begin your revision, first quickly skim through the portions, you are most comfortable with. Don't let that take more than 2 hours. Then, go through the parts you are less sure of & finally turn to that portion you are least sure of. Do not ever begin with the piece you are least confident with, because remember, scoring well does not depend on how in-depth your knowledge of the subject is, but how strategically you've prepared yourself. Beginning with delicate portions takes up a lot of your time and also shakes your confidence. When you have a large chunk done, you feel a significant amount of relief. Finally, give that difficult portion a reading and then let go. The morning of your exam, when the mind is fresh, and you don't have enough time to skim through all your syllabus, read through those portions you are less confident with. Do not bother about the parts you have a grip on. Give yourself a few minutes before the exam begins.Relax.The bell goes & you start writing with the utmost vigor and enthusiasm, and you succeed.



All the best to those about to answer exams.👍👍
