How to avoid procrastination?

How to Avoid Procrastination?

Do you always keep planning but never find time to execute? Do you forever wait for the right moment to start something? Do you habitually put off work citing various excuses? If yes, you are a procrastinator. 

Procrastination is common but undesirable just because it is a bad habit. And habits die hard. A procrastinator often complains of a lack of time or the resources to complete a given task. At the workplace, a procrastinator could be hesitant to commence work assigned to him. 

Now that we have an idea of what procrastination is, let us look at some ways to break the habit:

  • Stick to timelines: Easier said than done, it is recommended to follow schedules. This will ensure the timely completion of a task/job. Suppose a project needs to be delivered in one month, make sure the team members are ready with the work in 25 days. The last few days can be used as a buffer to minimize risks.
  • Prepare a schedule: A schedule is like a timetable enabling us to plan our work accordingly. It gives shape to our dreams and aspirations, sets us apart from others, and mitigates risks. For instance, an office executive could prepare a schedule based on time, areas to visit as part of fieldwork, a list of clients to interact with, and so forth. A team lead could have a list of the day's activities, such as having team meetings, minutes of the meeting, meetings with his reporting manager, etc. A day without a schedule is like a ship without a rudder. In all probability, work is likely to be postponed, and delays are expected.
  • Take one thing at a time: How can this do away with procrastination? Imagine completing a huge task that requires cutting-edge technology, a considerable amount of workforce, and high initial investment. In this case, it is prudent to break down the work into smaller units to get the larger picture. Dividing the entire action into sub-tasks will provide better clarity, coordination, and avoid redundancy of work. Thus, every group of an organization can focus on one specialized activity. 
  • Always consider the present moment the best moment: Procrastinators often feel the right time to start something is later!! It is advisable to take into account the time constraints and have a reality check on the situation. The future holds many surprises and is often unpredictable. For example, a student has an exam in March, but it gets postponed due to some reason. Now the student thinks he has sufficient time for preparation. As a result, he delays studying for the examination.
  • Have a good company: It is our quality of friends that decide our success or failure. If you are in a group that has a habit of postponing work or hesitating to take responsibility, you are likely influenced by them.

The essence of it is that procrastination is only a habit, and any pattern can be broken with effort. Psychologists have said that any new habit can be installed when practiced for 21 days without a break. 

Let us all embrace the present moment and commence on our dream project right now!!!!!!!!


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