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5 Easiest Way To Educate Poor Children

Education is not just to read and write, but to make use of it, for our advantages, and to utilize the knowledge for our growth. And also, we can lead our own life without depending on others. That's why education is very crucial for the children because they are the pillars of the nation; children are the weapon to build the country with all their knowledge and training.

So every child should be adequately educated, even the children from a poor background. But actually, most of them are unable to make it due to their financial problems. Most of us want to help them but get stuck on the "how?" part.

So here is a quick guide that gets you started with five easy ways to start educating the less-fortunate children around your neighborhood.

1. Rent a small van/mini-bus and start a weekend mobile-school

All you need is a couple of volunteers, a balanced curriculum of academics and engaging activities, and a short van that can double up as a classroom when parked. You should first identify an area in your neighborhood, where most of the poor children live, and you take your mobile-school to that area every weekend.

2. Start a classroom right inside your living room!

If you work from home or return from the office early enough, then you could get the lesser-privileged children from around your neighborhood right inside your living room and conduct classes there. You may not even need a lot of resources for this process; it is one of the easiest and cheapest ways of providing education to needy children.

You could also get your neighbors to join in and help out with different subjects and activities.

3. Start a library with old books

You may collect old books from your neighbors, friends, family, colleagues, or anyone keen to contribute to helping needy children. You may put up a Facebook post or a tweet asking for books. Go to the nearby locality where there are many underprivileged children live, identify a place where you can put these books up and get the children to come and browse through. Frequently ask them what books they used to like and try to bring these types of books in which they are interested, in this way they are at least putting their steps upward for study, which shows that they are keen to learn new things.

4. Setup a small training unit to teach skills to children

If you are good at any specific vocational skills, start a small group in your locality where children can come and learn these skills from you. Ensure that the skills you are teaching them are appropriate to their age. Teaching a computer-based skill can be extremely handy to these children if they are exposed to it in the long-run.

5. Organize an outdoor sport every weekend with the children

They will not only enjoy the game, but they will also pick up many life skills in the process. Education is not only delivered through the academic curriculum. Sports such as football, cricket, hockey help children come out of their shells and became a better team player. For this, you need to identify a ground at your nearby, with the help of your friends and some neighbors you can organize it.


Education is for all children; we should not compromise it based on wealth, we should try our best to educate this type of children because they deserve study too

so let's help them.....................!
