How to avoid procrastination?

Why do we need a change in Education?

Why do we need a change in our education system? 

Because we do not know the meaning of being educated and acting educated. We think we are educated because we have been to schools, we have big degrees and people respect and admire us. This is not the true meaning of education. Education means any knowledge which we can practically apply in our daily life. We learn from our education system that we have to plant a tree, water it, and make it grow. The process of all the facts and information is called knowledge, but when we practically apply that knowledge in our work, we call it education. When we do not do such kinds of things, knowing that we have to do, we are not acting educated. To apply what we have learned is what education is. This is what we lack in. That is why our education system needs a change, and the change must be big, huge. We are from different fields like photography teaching law etc. But the modern education system is forcing us to adjust the same process of acquiring and implementing our education. But it is sure that in the long run, this system will fail. It is like the story of the blind men who are going to a place without knowing where they were going.

Children must experience certain things rather than learning from books. Mothers can educate their children practically, which will enhance their outlook of the world outside. In the process of education, certain things should be done first hand rather than bookish knowledge. The first thing that we can do with our children is to give some practical experience. Then a passion for learning will grow with them from different sources. Then we can educate in certain fields, and next comes the application. Unless we apply all these steps, what we plan it is all useless. If we learn everything about farming and do not involve the knowledge in the practical field, what is the relevance of such education then? Finally comes success. But what is happening nowadays is without any process. We are like blind men, just wandering in the dark alley. If we try to understand the lives of great men like Newton, Dickens, Swami Vivekananda, Nicola Tesla, we will know clearly that they are the products of a long and rigorous process. They were not born great, but they went through a steady routine day by day.

I would cite an example of a great man from India. His name is Adi Guru Bhagwan Sankaracharya. He was one of the most outstanding scholars of his time. The name of his guru was ‎Govinda Bhagavatpada. He was told to preach Advaita Vedanta of Sanatana Hindu religion. For that, Adi Guru Shankaracharya took extensive teaching from his master. He realized those dangerous philosophies in his life. He traveled all over India (Sub-continent at that time) to preach Advaita Vedantism. Finally, he was successful in establishing the truths hidden in him. So, it is clear that we have to walk a long distance to achieve the ultimate goal. There is no way to shortcut.

Swami Vivekananda has rightly said, "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man." To achieve that perfection, we have to follow a particular procedure. Then only we can achieve our cherished goals and desires.
