How to avoid procrastination?

Tips to learn anything faster

In order to adapt more quickly to the rapidly changing environments in which we live, we need to learn more effectively and efficiently.

 some basics for meta-learning, or learning about learning, to help make it easier for you to find and use techniques to increase the quality and speed of your self-directed learning. This approach can be applied to any task in life where we are taking on the challenge of increasing our knowledge, including some basic tasks that assist us in making the most of our brain power. You can help your brain to absorb information more accurately and efficiently, sometimes by just changing how you take care of your body. Using meta-learning (learning about learning) techniques can help you learn how to take better care of your body in the most efficient and effective way.

Being a quick learner can give you an even greater edge. Science proves there are many ways you can learn and retain something faster.


If you imagine that you’ll need to teach someone else the material or task you are trying to grasp, you can speed up your learning and remember more, according to a study done at Washington University in St. Louis.

2.Get plenty of sleep.

 A lot of the time, there's nothing wrong with you or how you study or learn: your brain just can't hold the information because your body isn't getting something that it needs. Often, that need is more sleep. You'll want to be sure to get plenty of sleep if you want your brain to be alert enough to absorb information. Just drinking an extra cup of coffee isn't going to work. This means you'll want to stop doing those late night study sessions. Instead, go to bed early, get a few hours of sleep, and then get up early so that you can study more on a well-rested brain.

3.Drink plenty of water.

 Your body is at its best when it's well hydrated. When you don't get enough water, you won't be able to focus. You can easily become distracted, whether you realize it or not, by your thirst. It can even lead to things like a headache, making it even harder for you to learn.

4.Get exercise.

 Of course you know that exercise is good for your body in lots of ways, but did you know that it can also help you learn faster? Some studies have found that light exercise while studying can help you to learn faster. [3] For people who are very physical and active, being forced to stay still for too long can also make it hard to stay focused, so exercising while studying can also be helpful in that way.

5.Experiment with learning.

 To effectively conduct an experiment you need to have a plan, a way to evaluate if the experiment is working and a time to reflect on the process and outcome. The learning process works the same way.

6.Refine your approach.

 If the learning approach you chose worked, then keep going with it. If not, go back and pick a different one and start experimenting!
